1 Jul 2010

How to Jump Higher In Basketball

If you are trying to learn how to jump higher in basketball, you will need to begin participating in very specific exercises. Keep in mind that just because an exercise appears to be working to increase your basketball vertical jump performance, it is important to switch things up from time to time.

When you focus on only training your body to exercise a certain way to jump higher, your muscles become tuned to that specific exercise but they will not be as effective at performing other exercises. If you are using weight training to increase vertical jump levels, you need to be sure to rotate in alternative machines that you may not traditionally use. This will allow you to train your muscles to work more than just one way.

What Is Your Basketball Jumping Style?
When you are learning to increase your vertical jump height for basketball or other sports, you must be able to evaluate and determine whether you are a power jumper or a speed jumper. You cannot effectively learn to jump higher if you do not know your style because this information will influence how you train.

Power Jumper - If you are a jumper that explodes and generally jumps off of two feet rather than one, you are a power jumper. Traditionally, you are a bigger player. To increase your vertical jump you need to engage in exercises that require you to be in constant motion. These types of exercises will help you jump higher because you are already so naturally strong that all you need to do is train them to move the way you want then to. You can also increase your vertical jump by performing plyometric exercises. Tuck jumps, split lunges and lateral hurdle jumps performed regularly will help you jump higher.

Speed Jumper - If you are fluid yet bouncy or springy, you are a speed jumper. You are opposite from a power jumper and will usually jump from one foot rather that two. You are not traditionally overly strong and you are generally smaller in size however, there are always exceptions. To increase vertical jump levels, you will want to perform high-load, intense workouts such as squats. These will increase your leg strength to allow you to naturally jump higher.

What Are you Doing With Your Arms?
If you want to jump higher, you need to evaluate every inch of your body, that includes your arms. You cannot expect to increase your vertical jump if your arms are remaining stationary. You need to swing your arms to gain momentum and in doing so, you will jump higher naturally. If you are not utilizing these powerful tools, you are not reaching your jumping potential.

How Intense Are You?
If you want to jump higher, you need to turn up the intensity whether you are working out or playing a basketball game. Intensity will ultimately train your mind to increase your vertical jump in basketball. Having a strong intensity level helps you to stay focused on your goals. It is also advised when you are training to jump higher to relieve a small grunt, growl, yell or whatever helps you increase your intensity level. Body builders will tell you that making this sound allows you to lift five additional pounds so it also will help increase vertical jump performance.
Sumber goarticlescom by John Michaels

1 komentar:

    oke bapak..
    terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
    pasti saya kunjungi


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